
بَلِ الْاِنْسَانُ عَلٰي نَفْسِهٖ بَصِيْرَةٌ وَّلَوْ اَلْقٰى مَعَاذِيْرَهٗ (Rather, man will be a witness against himself, even though he may offer his excuses....75:14-15). One meaning of the words bash and basirah is 'to see'. Another meaning of basirah is 'evidence', as for instance in:

قَدْ جَاۗءَكُمْ بَصَاۗىِٕرُ مِنْ رَّبِّكُمْ

'...There have come to you evidences 1 from your Lord_[ 6:104] '

In this verse the word basa'ir is the plural of basirah and it means 'evidence, proof, argument or insight'. The word ma` adhir is the plural of mi` dhar meaning, 'excuse'. The verse purports to say that for purposes of following the procedures of fairness and justice, man will be shown each

(1). Another meaning of the word is 'insights' according to which we have translated the verse 6:104 in the text. (Muhammad Taqi Usmani) of his deeds on the Plain of Reckoning, although in fact this will not be necessary for him, because every man knows what he does in this world, and he will recall his deeds in the Hereafter, even though he will make excuses. Furthermore, he will see all his good and bad actions on the Plain of Reckoning as the Qur'an says:

وَوَجَدُوْا مَا عَمِلُوْا حَاضِرًا

And they will find what they did all there_[ 18:49] '

If the word basirah is taken in the sense of 'evidence, or proof, the verse signifies that man will be a clear proof against himself, in spite of any excuses he might offer. However, man fails to realize that in this situation, the limbs of his own body [ his hearing, his sight, his two hands and his two legs ] will testify against him. This is the meaning of the words

وَّلَوْ اَلْقٰى مَعَاذِيْرَهٗ 'even though he may offer his excuses. [ 75:15] '.

Thus far, there was the description of the conditions and horrors of the Day of Resurrection. The next four verses are a special guidance for the Messenger of Allah to be followed by him at the time of revelation. When Jibra'il Amin descended with a set of verses, the Holy Prophet feared that there might be discrepancy in his listening and reciting it accordingly. His other fear was that he might forget some portion of it, or some word might escape his memory. As a result, when Jibra'il Amin recited a verse, he would exert himself in repeating the words immediately upon hearing them. In this manner, the strain would be multiplied. Allah revealed four verses in which he is advised not to exert himself so strenuously, because the matter has been simplified for him. Allah has taken upon Himself the responsibility of collecting it in his heart, making him recite it and conveying it to the people, thus:

لَا تُحَرِّكْ بِهٖ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِهٖ اِنَّ عَلَيْنَا جَمْعَهٗ وَقُرْاٰنَه ٗ فَاِذَا قَرَاْنٰهُ فَاتَّبِعْ قُرْاٰنَهٗ

([ 0 Prophet,] do not move your tongue [ during revelation ] for [ reciting ] it [ the Qur'an ] so as you receive it in hurry. It is surely undertaken by Us to store it [ in your heart ], and to let it be recited [ by you after revelation is completed ]. Therefore, when it is recited by Us [ through the angel ], follow its recitation [ by concentration of your heart ].. .75:16-18).

The word Qur'an here means 'recitation'. In other words, when Jibra'il I recites the Qur'an, you should not recite it along with him, but listen to it attentively. When its recitation is completed, follow its recitation. Here the words 'follow its recitation', by general consensus of the scholars, means 'when Jibra'il I recites, be silent and listen to it.'

Muqtadis (those praying behind an Imam) should not recite the Qur'an in salah

According to an authentic Hadith, Imam (one who leads a congregational prayer) in prayer is supposed to be followed by mugtadis (those who follow Imam). Therefore, they follow him. When the former bows, the latter must bow; and when he prostrates, the latter must all fall in prostration. In line with this principle, a Hadith in Sahih Muslim adds:

'When he [ the Imam ] recites, be silent and listen.'

This explains the function of an Imam. In matters of bowing and prostrating, the followers should do as he does, that is, they should perform the acts of bowing and prostrating along with him. However, following him in the matter of recitation is different. When the Imam recites, the followers should be silent and listen. This is the argument of Imam Abu Hanifah and some other Imams in holding that the mugtadis should not recite when following an Imam in prayer. And Allah knows best!