

Surah A1-Mu'min: Characteristics and Merits From here (40) to Surah Al-Ahqaf (46) starts a series of seven Surahs that begin with the isolated letters: حم (Ha Meem). These are called: اَل حٰمٓ('Al Ha Mim) or حوامیم (hawamim). Sayyidna ` Abdullah Ibn Masud ؓ said, اَل حٰم ('Al Ha Mim) is: دیباج القرآن (dibaj-ul- Qur’ an): Dibaj, in Arabic, is the cloth of pure silk, and here it signifies embellishment. Mis'ar Ibn Kidam says, 'These are called: عَرَایٔس (ara'is: brides).' Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas ؓ said, 'Every thing has an essence. The essence of the Qur'an lies in اَل حٰم ('Al Ha Mim) ' or said, حوامیم۔ (hawamim).' All these reports appear in Fada'il-ul-Qur'an by the great scholar, Abu ` Ubaid Qasim Ibn Sallam.

And Sayyidna ` Abdullah (Ibn Mas` ad) ؓ said that the example of the Qur'an is similar to that of a person who started out to look for a place where he and his family could live. Here, he finds some green open land and is pleased with it. Then, he moves ahead, and finds gardens and settling places far more verdant and growth-prone. He says, 'I was wondering about the greenery produced by rains that I saw first, but these are more wonderful'. Then, it would be said to him, 'The first all green layout is like the Qur'an in general, and the gardens and lodges are like اَل حٰم (` Al Ha Meem) from out of the Qur'an.' Therefore, Sayyidna ` Abdullah Ibn Masud ؓ said, 'As for me, when I, during the recitation of the Qur'an, arrive at: اَل حٰم (` Al Ha Meem), it is as if I am enjoying myself.'

Protection against everything unwelcome

Al-Bazzar, quoting his own chains of authority in his Musnad, reports from Sayyidna Abu Hurairah ؓ that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said, "A person who has recited the 'Ayah of Kursiyy and the first three verses (1-3) of Surah Al-Mu'min up to:إِلَيْهِ الْمَصِيرُ‌ (ilaihil-masir: To Him is the return) early during the day, he (or she) will, on that day, remain safe from everything bad and painful.' It has also been reported by Tirmidhi, though, one of the reporting links in the chain of authority is doubtful. (Ibn Kathir, page 69, volume 4)

Protection against an enemy

There appears a narration from Sayyidna Muhallab Ibn Abi Safrah ؓ in Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi through a chain rated as 'Sahib' in which he said, 'it was reported to me by a person who had himself heard the Holy Prophet ﷺ saying (on the occasion of some Jihad concerning a night vigil) that 'should you be attacked at the time of night, you recite: حٰم لَا یُنصَرُونَ (Ha Mim la yunsarun) which means reciting (Ha Meem) and praying that the enemy does not succeed. Then there are some narrations in which this formulation appears as: حٰم لَا یُنصَرُوا (Ha Meem la yunsaru -without the letter: of (nun) at the end) the outcome of which is that, 'should you say: حٰم (Ha Meem), the enemy will not succeed.' From this we learn that حٰم (Ha Meem) serves as a fortress against the enemy. (Ibn Kathir)

A strange event

Thabit Bunani says, 'I was with Sayyidna Mus` ab Ibn Zubayr ؓ in a certain section of the city of Kufah. I walked into a garden to make two raka’ at of salah there. Before I would start my salah, I recited the verses of Ha Meem Al-Mu'min (40:1-3) حم ﴿1﴾ تَنزِيلُ الْكِتَابِ مِنَ اللَّـهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ ﴿2﴾ غَافِرِ‌ الذَّنبِ وَقَابِلِ التَّوْبِ شَدِيدِ الْعِقَابِ ذِي الطَّوْلِ ۖ لَا إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ إِلَيْهِ الْمَصِيرُ‌ ﴿3﴾ up. Of a sudden, I saw a man in Yemeni attire astride a white mule standing behind me. This man said to me, 'when you say: غَافِرِ‌ الذَّنبِ (ghafiradh-dhanbi: Forgiver of sins), with it, you should pray: یاغَافِرِ‌ الذَّنبِ اِغفِرلِی (ya ghafiradh-dhanbi, ighfirli: 0 Forgiver of sins, forgive me). And when you say: (qabilit-tawbi: Accepter of repentance), you should pray: یا قَابِلِ التَّوْبِ اقبَل تَوبَتِی (ya qabilata-tawbi, iqbal tawbati: 0 Accepter of repentance, accept my repentance). After that, when you say: شَدِيدِ الْعِقَابِ (shadidil-'iqabi: Severe in punishment), you should pray: یَا شَدِيدِ الْعِقَابِ لَا تُعَاقِبنِی (ya shadidal-` igabi, la tu'aqibni: 0 Allah, severe in punishment, please do not punish me). And when you say: ذِي الطَّوْلِ (dhit-tawli: Source of all power), you should pray: یَا ذِي الطَّوْلِ طُل عَلَیَّ بِخَیرِ (ya dhat-tawli, tul ` alaiyya bikhayr: 0 source of power, bestow the best on me).

Thabit Bunani says, 'After having heard this good counsel from him, when I looked back at him, there was no one there. Looking for him, I went to the gate of the garden. I asked people there if they had seen a person in Yemeni attire passing through here. Everyone said that they had not seen anyone like that.' In another narration from Thabit Bunani, it has also been said that people think this person was Sayyidna Ilyas (علیہ السلام) while it has not been mentioned in the other. (Ibn Kathir)

The effect of these verses in reforming people, and a great directive of Sayyidna ` Umar ؓ

Ibn Kathir has reported on the authority of Ibn Abi Hatim that there was a man of strong and dignified bearing among the Syrians who used to visit Sayyidna ` Umar ؓ . When he did not show up for a longer than usual period of time, Sayyidna ` Umar inquired about him. People said, 'ya amiral-mu'minin, please do not ask about him. He has become a drunkard. Sayyidna ` Umar ؓ called his scribe and dictated a letter to him in which he said:

من عمر بن الخطاب الی فلان بن فلان ۔ سلام علیک فانی احمد الیک اللہ الذی لا اَلٰہ اَلِّا ھو غافر الذَّنب و قابل التَّوب شدید العقاب ذی الطول لَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا ھُو اِلَیہِ المَصیرُ ۔

"From ` Umar son of al-Khattab to --- son of ---. salamun ` alaik, peace on you. After that, I praise Allah before you, other than whom there is no god worthy of worship. He is the One who forgives sins and accepts repentance, the One who is severe in punishment, the One who is the source of all power. There is no god but He. To Him is the ultimate return (of all)."

Then he turned toward those around him and said, 'Let us all join in to pray for him that Allah Ta’ ala reverses his heart and accepts his repentance.' Sayyidna ` Umar ؓ had instructed the messenger who was to deliver his letter that he was not to hand over the letter to the person addressed until such time that he became sober, and that he was not to hand over the letter to anyone other than the person intended to receive it. So, when this person received this letter, he read it repeatedly and thoughtfully while realizing that it carried a warning of punishment against him with a concurrent promise of forgiveness for him. Then he started weeping. Finally, he stopped drinking and made such a firm taubah that he never touched it again.

When Sayyidna ` Umar ؓ learnt about the effective manifestation of these words, he said to people around, 'In such matters, you too should do the same. When some brother falls into some slip of conduct, think of ways to bring him back to his normal and better self. Prompt him to turn to Allah, to place his trust in Him, to rely on His mercy. Pray to Allah for him, pray that he is enabled to repent and make his taubah. And do not become an accomplice of Shaitan against him (that is, if you chide him or infuriate him and thereby estrange him from his religion, then, you would actually be helping the Shaitan). (Ibn Kathir)

A warning

For people who work for the betterment of Allah's creation and serve in the field of tabligh and da'wah, this verse offers great guidance. Here is a person you would love to become a better person. First, you yourself pray for him. Then, use soft ways to bring him towards that betterment. Do not be aggressive towards him, for it would do no good to him, in fact, it would amount to helping the Shaitan, for he would push him onto more ways of error.

Explanation of Verses

Some commentators have said that: حٰم (Ha Meem) is the name of Allah Ta’ ala. But, in the sight of early authorities, these isolated letters (al-huruf-ul-muqatta` at) are all from the category of: مُتَشابِھَات (mutashabihat: of hidden meaning). Their meanings are known to Allah Ta’ ala alone - or, that they are a secret between Allah Ta’ ala and the Holy Prophet ﷺ .

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