
In verse 32, it was said: يَا قَوْمِ إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمْ يَوْمَ التَّنَادِ (0 my people, I fear for you a day when people will call one another). The last word: تَّنَادِ (tanad) with a kasrah on the letter: دال (dal) is an abbreviated form of the word: تَنَادِی (tanadi) which means calling each other. The day of Qiyamah (the Day of Doom, or Judgment) was called: يَوْمَ التَّنَادِ (yowm-ut-tanad) for the reason that this horrendous day would be reverberating with countless calls and cries. According to a narration of Sayyidna ` Abdullah Ibn ` Umar ؓ ، the Holy Prophet ﷺ said, "When comes the day of Qiyamah, an announcer from Allah will proclaim: 'Let the adversaries of Allah stand'. It would mean people who rejected taqdir or predestination. And then, the people of Jannah will call out to the people of Jahannam, and the people of Jahannam will call out to the people of Jannah, and the people of the A` raf (Heights) will call out to both, all saying things about themselves. And at that time, names will be announced, names of the lucky and the unlucky, along with their parentage. It will be like an announcement of results indicating that such and such person named is fortunate and successful, and that the probability of any misfortune for him or her stands eliminated - and that such and such person has turned out to be unfortunate, and that the probability of any good fortune for him or her stands eliminated." (Reported by Ibn Abi Haim in As-Sunnah - Mazhari)

And it has been reported from Sayyidna Abu Hazim Al-A` raj ؓ that he used to address his own self saying, "0 A'raj, when comes the call on the day of Qiyamah: 'Let those who committed such and such sins stand' - you would be standing with them; and when comes the call: 'Let those who committed such and such sins stand', you would be standing with them too; and when comes the call: 'Let those who committed such and such sins', you would be standing with them too - and I believe, every time a sin is announced, you would have to stand with them (because you have all sorts of sins in store with you!" ) - Reported by Abu Nu'aym - Mazhari.

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