

وَقَالُوا إِن نَّتَّبِعِ الْهُدَىٰ مَعَكَ نُتَخَطَّفْ مِنْ أَرْ‌ضِنَا (And they said, "If we follow the guidance with you (0 Muhammad), we will be driven out of our land." - 28:57). Harith Ibn ` Uthman and other infidels of Makkah put forward one of the reasons for their non-acceptance of faith that although they believed that his teachings were based on truth, but they feared that if they followed him, the entire people of Arabia would turn against them, and as a consequence they will be driven out of their land. (Nasai' etc.). The Holy Qur'an has given three answers to their lame excuse. One, نُمَكِّن لَّهُمْ حَرَ‌مًا آمِنًا يُجْبَىٰ إِلَيْهِ ثَمَرَ‌اتُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ (Is it not that We have established them in the peaceful Haram (sanctuary) to which the fruits of everything are drawn as a provision from Us - 28:57) that is this excuse of theirs is false, because Allah Ta` ala had already made special arrangements for the safety of the people of Makkah by making its land Haram. All the tribes of Arabia, despite their mutual feuds and infidelity, were unanimous on the point that killing and feuds were strictly prohibited on the land of Makkah. If a killer of father met the son in the Haram, despite extremely strong feelings of revenge, he could not raise his hand against him. It was just not possible for anyone to kill or harm his enemy on the ground of Haram. Therefore, it was not at all a convincing excuse for not converting to faith. How was it possible that the Creator of everything would let them die as a believer, when He had made arrangement for their safety in Haram even as infidels? Yahya Ibn Sallam has explained this verse as: You were safe and secure because of حرم Haram, and were enjoying the sustenance provided by Me in plenty, still you used to worship others instead of Me. You did not get worried over this situation of yours, and on the contrary got worried over conversion to faith in Me'. (Qurtubi)

In this verse two qualities of Haram are described. One, that it is a place of peace, and the other that fruits from different parts of the world were brought there.

Availability of all types of produce in Haram of Makkah is a special Divine gift

Allah Ta` ala chose Makkah Mukkarramah, out of the whole world, to establish the Ka'bah and Haram. In terms of its environment and geography it is a region where, under the normal circumstances, hardly any economic or commercial goods and activity should have existed. Even the basic staple agricultural products like wheat, rice, gram and sundry cereals were not cultivated before on a significant scale, let alone its and variety of vegetables. Though, in recent years there has been some emphasis from the Saudi Government toward their cultivation. Yet, everything is available there in such an abundance that one gets amazed. During the period of hajj some two million people are drawn from all over the world and stay there for an average of one month. It has never been heard that any scarcity of food items was ever experienced there. On the contrary, everyone can witness that cooked and prepared food to cater for all types of races and people is readily available all the time. If we ponder over Qur'anic words, which say ثَمَرَ‌اتُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ (fruits of everything), a question arises that fruits are the product of trees, so it would have been apt to say ثَمَرَ‌اتُ كُلِّ شَجر (fruits of every tree) rather than ثَمَرَ‌اتُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ (fruits of everything). Therefore, it is quite likely that the word 'everything' used here, encompasses the produce and products of all kind, including agricultural produce. For instance, the produce of industrial factories is also their fruit. Hence, the gist of the discussion is that not only food items but also all sorts of things of human need would be made available in Makkah. Any one visiting Makkah, either for hajj or ` umrah, can confirm that everything produced anywhere in the world is readily available there. This was one reply to the excuse put forward by the infidels of Makkah, and the gist of the reply was that the Lord who had been so kind to them that He had made available all the bounties of the world in their city, despite the fact that they are not produced there, and who had made the city completely free of risk and danger, it is the worst kind of ignorance to presume about Him that He would deprive them of these benefits if they would believe in Him.

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