Man has not created himself. This calls for man to possess the quality of humility or modesty. But, instead of being realistic, he indulges in discussions which are not in accordance with his humble position. The creation of man and the universe for the first time itself furnishes ample proof of the fact that such creation for the second time is also possible. But ignoring this, man argues about how a dead man can come back to life. The changing of the dead into the living, will no doubt occur on the Day of Judgement, but this possibility is seen in other things even today. One may take the example of a tree. The tree is apparently green and fresh, but when it is cut up and burnt as sticks, it takes on a completely different shape, that of fire. The metamorphosis of one thing into another is an established fact. God makes this possible today with regard to different things. As for man, however, He will make it possible on the Day of Judgement, but this will not be for the purpose of making the people admit this fact. It will be in order to punish them for their insubordination.