Anda sedang membaca tafsir untuk kelompok ayat dari 37:125 hingga 37:126

The word: بَعل (ba'l) in verse 125: أَتَدْعُونَ بَعْلًا (Do you invoke literally means husband, master etc. But, it was the name of a particular idol that the people of Sayyidna Ilyas (علیہ السلام) had taken to as the object of their worship. The history of the worship of ba` l (Baal) goes way back in time. It was worshipped in the country of Syria during the time of Sayyidna Musa (علیہ السلام) and it used to be the most popular idol-god they had. Ba'labakk, (Baalbek or ancient Heliopolis in present Lebanon), the once famous city of Syria was also named after it. Some people think that Hubal, the well-known idol of the pre-Islam people of Hijaz, was this very ba` l (Qasas-ul-Qur’ an, p.28, v.2).

In the next sentence of the same verse, it was said: وَتَذَرُ‌ونَ أَحْسَنَ الْخَالِقِينَ (Do you invoke Ba'l, and ignore the Best of the creators). This refers to Allah Ta ala while the expression: أَحْسَنَ الْخَالِقِينَ (alzsanul-khaligin: the best of the creators) never means that there could be, God forbid, some other creator as well. On the contrary, the drive and the sense of the statement is that He is the one most exalted of all those false objects of worship they had taken to as being some sort of a creator (Qurtubi). Some commentators have said that the word: خَالِق (khaliq: creator, maker) has been used here in the sense صَانع (sani` : maker), that is, 'He is far ahead and far better than all other makers.' What do all other makers really do? They do no more than take different components, put them together and here is something they have made. Bringing something out from nothingness into existence is what they do not have under their power and control - and Allah Ta’ ala does. He has that inherent power to make what is not become what is. (Bayan-ul-Qur’ an)

Ascribing the attribute of creation to anyone other than Allah is not permissible

At this point, it should be borne in mind that خَلَق (khalq) means to create, that is, to bring something from the state of non-being into the state of being solely on the strength of the creator's inherent power. Therefore, this attribute is particular to Allah Ta’ ala. Ascribing it to someone else is not permissible. Hence, the custom prevailing in our time that the articles of writers, compositions of poets and paintings of painters are readily referred to as their 'creations' is simply not permissible. How can people who write become 'creators' of those articles? It is not correct. Allah is the khaliq, the creator. This is Him alone - no one else can be. Therefore, their good writings should be called articles or something else that alludes to their effort, imagination, research work or whatever applies as appropriate - but, not 'creation.'

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