الْهُدْهُدَ ۖؗ


وَتَفَقَّدَ الطَّيْرَ‌ (And he checked the birds - 27:20). The word تَفَقَّدَ (tafaqqud) means to verify about the presence or absence of some people. Hence it is translated as to check. Sayyidna Sulaiman (علیہ السلام) was bestowed by Allah Ta’ ala the rule over Jinns, the beasts and the birds, apart from humans. As it is customary for the ruler to look after and take care of all of his subjects, it is stated in this verse وَتَفَقَّدَ الطَّيْرَ‌ That is Sayyidna Sulaiman (علیہ السلام) inspected the birds from his subjects, and made a note of the presence and absence of them all. The Holy Prophet ﷺ also had the habit to keep himself informed about the wellbeing of his companions. If someone was absent, he used to go to his house to find out his welfare. If anyone was sick, he would go and visit him and do the needful nursing. If someone was afflicted with any trouble, he would make the effort to remove it.

It is necessary for the rulers to take care of their subjects and for the saints of their disciples and students

This verse has proved that Sayyidna Sulaiman (علیہ السلام) used to keep an eye on all types of his subjects, and used to keep himself fully informed about them, so much so that the absence of a small and weak bird like a hoopoe which has a small population compared to other birds, did not go unnoticed from him. It is also possible that his specific enquiry about the hoopoe was due to its small population and weak make-up among the species of birds. Therefore, he made special effort to keep his eyes on the weaker section of his subjects.

Among the companions, Sayyidna ` Umar ؓ established the traditions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ in totality during his tenure as caliph. He used to go round the streets of Madinah during the nights to keep him fully abreast with the state of affairs. If he found any one in distress or need, he would help him out. A number of such incidents are related in his biography: He used to say "If a wolf kills a lamb by the side of river Euphrates, for that too Umar will be answerable". (Qurtubi)

Such were the principles of rule and administration, which were taught by the prophets and practically demonstrated by the revered companions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ . Because of these practices, the entire populace, both Muslims and non-Muslims, used to live in complete harmony and tranquility. Such justice and fair play, composure and tranquility were never witnessed ever in the whole world after their time.

مَا لِيَ لَا أَرَ‌ى الْهُدْهُدَ أَمْ كَانَ مِنَ الْغَائِبِينَ

"What is wrong with me that I do not see the hoopoe; rather he has disappeared? - 27:20

Taking account of one's own Self

Apparently Sulaiman (علیہ السلام) should have said at this occasion, “ What is wrong with the hoopoe that he is absent?" But Sulaiman (علیہ السلام) asked about his own wrong when he said, "What is wrong with me?" Perhaps, it was because the hoopoe and all other birds were put under his control as a special reward. Initially it crossed his mind momentarily that probably His blessings have been curtailed for some slip on his part that a species of birds (the hoopoe) was not present. So, he made some soul searching to find out what could have been the reason for its absence? It was a case similar to that of the mystic saints who make enquiries from their Self before looking into the material causes for the relief of any distress, or when any blessing is reduced for them. It is their practice to take into account of any possible slips on their part in paying gratitude to Allah Ta’ ala for His bounties, which might have caused the withdrawal of the blessings from them. Qurtubi has quoted here the practice of these saints on the authority of Ibn al-` Arabi in the following words:

اِذا فقدوا امالھم تفقّدوا اعمالھم That is ` when these saints do not succeed in their objectives, they take stock of their deeds to find out where have they committed the mistake'.

After this initial stock-taking of Self and due considerations and deliberations it is said أَمْ كَانَ مِنَ الْغَائِبِينَ (rather, he has disappeared - 27:20). Here the word اَم is used for the meaning of the word بَل (rather) (Qurtubi). Therefore, the meaning of the sentence is ` It is not that my sight has faltered in locating the hoopoe, but in fact it is not present'.

Reason for picking up hoopoe from among the birds, and an important warning

Sayyidna ` Abdullah Ibn 'Abbas ؓ was asked as to what was the reason that the hoopoe was picked up from all the birds. He replied that Sayyidna Sulaiman (علیہ السلام) had camped at a place where there was no water, and Allah Ta’ ala has bestowed such a peculiar instinct to hoopoe that it can see things under the ground and can also locate the underground water. Sayyidna Sulaiman (علیہ السلام) wanted to find out, through the proficiency of the hoopoe, the depth and extent of the underground water. Having known the location of the underground water, he would have commanded the Jinns to excavate the ground to bring the water up - a task they would have performed very quickly. Paradoxically, despite having the piercing sight, the hoopoe gets entrapped in the nets of the hunters. Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas ؓ has commented on this:

قف یا وقّاف کیف یری الھدھد باطن الارض وھو لا یرٰی الفخّ حین یقع فیہ (قرطبی)

` 0 the people of knowledge! try to understand this fact that the hoopoe has the ability to see things under the ground, but the net spread out over the ground gets obscured from its sight, and hence it gets entrapped in that'.

The bottom line to understand is that whatever is destined for a person through the divine decree, whether it is trouble or comfort, has to be enforced, and no one can escape from it by his wisdom, insight or through the use of force or money.