O humanity! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then ˹know that˺ We did create you1 from dust, then from a sperm-drop,2 then ˹developed you into˺ a clinging clot,3 then a lump of flesh4—fully formed or unformed5—in order to demonstrate ˹Our power˺ to you. ˹Then˺ We settle whatever ˹embryo˺ We will in the womb for an appointed term, then bring you forth as infants, so that you may reach your prime. Some of you ˹may˺ die ˹young˺, while others are left to reach the most feeble stage of life so that they may know nothing after having known much. And you see the earth lifeless, but as soon as We send down rain upon it, it begins to stir ˹to life˺ and swell, producing every type of pleasant plant.
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