In old Madinah, there were two groups of Muslims—one, the Migrants (al-Muhajrun) and the other, the Helpers (al-Ansar)—the local hosts at Madinah. The Migrants had come to Madinah on being displaced from their native place, Makkah. Their best apparent supports were the local Muslims of Madinah, the Helpers. In the eyes of world-loving people, the Migrants seemed, therefore, to be people without honour in comparison with the Helpers who were respectable people. This was felt so keenly that on one occasion, ‘Abdullah ibn Ubayy clearly stated, ‘What is the status of these Migrants? If we expel them from our place, they will not find refuge anywhere in the world.’ Such words are uttered by those who are unaware of the reality that, whatever is there in this world, belongs to God. He gives to whomever He wishes and takes away from whomever He wishes.