الدِّیْنِ ۙ۫
الْغَیِّ ۚ
الْوُثْقٰی ۗ
لَهَا ؕ


One who holds on to Islam firmly stays protected against destruction and deprivation. It was for this reason that such a person was likened to one who holds on firmly to the 'ring', the looped support of a strong rope, and thus manages to avoid falling down. As there is no danger of such a rope breaking apart and causing a fall, so there is no danger of destruction or loss in Islam -- should somebody just abandon the rope, that would be an entirely different matter. And should somebody abandon Islam itself, that would be an entirely different matter too. (Maulana Thanavi (رح) : Bayin al-Qur'an).

Keeping this verse in view, some people raise objections. They say this verse tells us that there is no compulsion in faith, although the teaching of jihad جھاد and qital قتال (fighting) in Islam appears contrary to this principle.

Looking at this a little carefully, we can find out that the objection is not valid, since the teaching of jihad and qital in Islam is not to coerce people into accepting Faith. Had it been so, why would there be Islamic injunctions of jizyah جزیہ to provide an umbrella of security for kuffar (disbelievers) which protects their life, property and honour? In fact, this is to remove disorder, strife or fasad فساد ، for Allah Almighty dislikes fasad فساد ، which is what the kuffar are after. Therefore, Allah Almighty says:

وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الْأَرْ‌ضِ فَسَادًا ۚ وَاللَّـهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

And they go about the earth spreading disorder and Allah does not like those who spread disorder. (5:64)

It is for this reason that Allah Almighty has ordained that the fasad فساد created by these people should be removed by جھاد and qital قتال . So, killing such people is like the killing of serpents, scorpions and their harmful likes.

Islam has firmly banned the killing of women, children, the aged and the crippled etc., even in the heat of jihad on the battlefield, since they are incapable of creating disorder. Similarly, it has stopped the killing of those who become law-abiding citizens by promising to pay jizyah جزیہ (compensatory dues paid by free non-Muslims under Muslim rule against guarantee of the security of their life, property and honour).

This approach of Islam makes it clear that it does not force people to accept and enter Faith, rather far from it, by using it as a method of stopping oppression in the world, it hopes to establish justice and

equity and peace and security. When Sayyidna ` Umar ؓ invited an old Christian woman to accept Islam, she said in reply: انا عجوز کبیرۃ واموت الی قریب : 'I am an old woman nearing death.' Hearing this, Sayyidna ` Umar ؓ did not force her to come into the fold of Islam. In fact, he recited this very verse: لَا إِكْرَ‌اهَ فِي الدِّينِ that is, 'there is no compulsion in Faith.'

Really and truly, coercion and compulsion to make one accept a faith are not possible at all because faith is not related to outward physical response; it relates to the heart. Coercion and compulsion affect nothing but the outsides of physique and this is all that is affected by jihad and qital قتال (fighting in the way of Allah). Consequently, it is just not possible that people can be forced to accept faith through these measures. This proves that the verses of jihad and qital قتال are not contradictory to the verse: لَا إِكْرَ‌اهَ فِي الدِّينِ (There is no compulsion in

Faith). (Mazhari, Qurtubi)

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