Out of the continuing series of stories relating to prophets (علیہم السلام) and their communities, the fourth story is that of Sayyidna Lut (Lot) tX..JI
Sayyidna Lut (علیہ السلام) is a nephew of Sayyidna Ibrahim Khalilullah (علیہ السلام) the patriarch of prophets. The original homeland of both was known as Babel near Basrah in western Iraq. Idol-worship was common. Even the family of Sayyidna Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) was involved in it. Allah Ta` ala sent Sayyidna Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) as a prophet for their guidance. His people opposed him which culminated in the well known Fire of Nimrud. Even his father threatened to turn him out of his home.
Out of his entire family, only his wife, Sayyidah Sarah and nephew, Sayyidna Lut (علیہ السلام) embraced Islam: فَآمَنَ لَهُ لُوطٌ (Then, Lut believed in him - 29:26). Finally, it was with these two that he immigrated to Syria leaving his home country behind. After reaching Jordon river, he settled in Can'-an near Bayt al-Maqdis under a Divine command.
Then, Allah Ta` ala made Sayyidna Lut (علیہ السلام) too a prophet and sent him to Sadum (Sodom) near Bayt al-Maqdis for the guidance of people there. This area comprised of five major cities. They were called Sadum, ` Amurah, Admah, Sububim and Bali` or Sawghar. The Qur'an has referred to their nucleus as ` Mu'tafikah' and ` Mu'tafikat' at several places. Sadum was considered as the center and capital of these cities. It was here that Sayyidna Lut (علیہ السلام) stayed. The land was fertile and verdant abounding in all kinds of grains and fruits. (These details appear in Al-Bahr Al-Muhit, Mazhari, Ibn Kathir, AI-Manar etc.)
Man's habit, as Allah Ta` ala says in the Qur'an, is: كَلَّا إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَيَطْغَىٰ ﴿6﴾ أَن رَّآهُ اسْتَغْنَىٰ ﴿7﴾ that is, when he acquires freedom from need, he starts transgressing the limits - 96:6-7. On these people too, Allah Ta` ala had opened the doors of His blessings. Goaded by this common behaviour pattern, all soaked in wealth and possessions, they reached the farthest ends of luxury and lust when they stood deprived of the most essential human sense of honour, dignity and modesty, and lost in that process, the very ability to distinguish between the good and the bad. In consequence, they got themselves involved in acts of unnatural indecencies. These are abominal acts, apart from being Haram and sinful, acts which cause hatred and distaste in the heart and mind of everyone born with sound and decent taste, so much so, that even animals would not go near it.
Allah Ta` ala appointed Sayyidna Lit (علیہ السلام) for their guidance. He addressed his people and said: أَتَأْتُونَ الْفَاحِشَةَ مَا سَبَقَكُم بِهَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ مِّنَ الْعَالَمِينَ (Do you commit the shameful act in which nobody has ever preceded you from all the worlds?).
When referring to Zina (adultery), the Qur'an has said: إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً (Surely, it is a shameful act - 17:32). Here, the word: فَاحِشَةً (fahishah: shameful act) has been mentioned without 'Alif Lam while in the present verse, by saying: اَلفَاحِشَةً (al-fahishah: the shameful act), it has been made definite by the addition of 'Alif Lam. Thus, the hint given is that this unnatural evil act is, as if, the combination of all indecencies, and far grave a crime as compared to Zina.
Then, it was said that this shameful act has never been committed by anyone in all the worlds before they did it. ` Amru ibn Dinar has said: The act was unknown in the world before these people. (Mazhari) Neither had the worst of human being had ever thought on those lines before the people of Sadum. The Umayyad Khalifah, ` Abd al-Malik said: Had this event relating to the people of Lut (علیہ السلام) not been mentioned in the Qur'an, I would have never suspected that a human being could do something like that. (Ibn Kathir)
Here, their immodesty has been censured on two grounds: (1)-It so happens that men would get involved in many sins because of their social conditions, or because of a blind following of their ancestors - though, that too, is not a valid legal excuse in the Shar'iah of Islam. But, as a matter of customary practice, such a person could be taken as excusable in some or the other degree. But, when it comes to a sin which has never been committed by anyone before, nor does it have any particular compulsions of its own, it becomes a curse of the highest degree. (2)-The other ground is that this act becomes a channel of making others equally accursed. Think of a person who invents some evil act or custom. As obvious, the sin and punishment of his evil act falls on that person anyway, but, along with him, affected are all who sink in sin led by the act of the originator right through the Last Day, for the curse and punishment of all those so affected also sits on the shoulders of the originator of the evil.
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