Those who have firmly established themselves in this world, having accumulated many material goods for themselves, and who see the manifestations of their own greatness and popularity around them, are always liable to be a prey to misunderstanding. They look down upon the things God has gathered around the caller of Truth as compared to the things around them. This overweening confidence on their part increases to such an extent that they even become unafraid of God. They make fun of the warning given by the missionary of Truth that, if their arrogance continued, their material achievements would not be able to save them from God’s scourge. Their treatment of the dayee as a non-entity makes his warnings also insignificant. Even historic instances of God’s having destroyed materially well set up people, as if their lives were of no value whatsoever, fail to teach them a lesson. The recurrence of events in which one set of people face decline while another set rises shows that the rule of ‘crime and punishment’ is prevalent here, but man does not learn a lesson from this. The succeeding generations repeat those very same actions as were indulged in by their predecessors, due to which they were destroyed.