
It was said in the fourth verse (117) that Allah does not destroy towns and habitations unjustly while people living there are good in their ways, that is, they are believing Muslims. The sense is that the probability of injustice and oppression does not exist with Allah Ta` ala. Those destroyed deserve being destroyed. Some early commentators have said that the word: ظُلُم ` zulm' (injustice) in this verse means shirk (ascribing of partners in the pristine divinity of Allah) and مُصلِحُون ` muslihun' (people good in their ways) refers to people who, de-spite being Mushriks and Kafirs, are good in morals and dealings, do not hurt and cause pain to anyone, do not lie and do not cheat. Thus, the sense of the verse comes to be that the punishment of the world does not fall on a people simply because of their being Mushriks and Kafirs - unless they were to spread disorder in the land by their very deeds and morals. The cause of all punishments that came upon the past peoples was but their particular evil deeds. The people of Sayyidna Nub (علیہ السلام) caused him all sorts of pains. The people of Sayyidna Shu'aib ؓ spread disorder by weighing and measuring short. The people of Sayyidna Lut (علیہ السلام) ، took to the worst type of evil act. The people of Sayyidna Musa and ` Isa (علیہما السلام) oppressed their prophets. The Holy Qur'an says that these very misdeeds were the reason why punishment came upon them. Divine punishment does not come in this world because of bland Kufr and Shirk. The everlasting punishment of the fire of Hell is its punishment. Therefore, some ` Ulama' have said that countries and governments can survive with Kufr and Shirk, but they cannot survive with injustice and oppression.

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